

Dr. Oki’s paper has been published in Nucleic Acids Research.

ChIP-Atlas 3.0: a data-mining suite to explore chromosome architecture together with large-scale regulome data Zhaonan Zou, Tazro Ohta, Shinya Oki The regulation of gene expression in eukaryotes is precisely orchestrated in a spatiotemporal manner by cell-specific epigenomic states, genome-protein interactions, and histone modification patterns. To elucidate these regulatory mechanisms, we have been developing ChIP-Atlas (,...
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Publication 6

Dr. Hayashi’s paper has been published in EMBO Reports. Nutritional and metabolic control of germ cell fate through O-GlcNAc regulation Yohei Hayashi, Yukiko Tando, Yumi Ito-Matsuoka, Kaho Ikuta, Asuka Takehara, Katsutaro Morino, Hiroshi Maegawa, Yasuhisa Matsui EMBO Reports (2023)e56845 Fate determination of primordial germ cells (PGCs) is regulated in a multi-layered manner, involving signaling pathways,...
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Publication 5

Dr. Oki’s paper has been published in Epigenetics & Chromatin. Elucidating disease-associated mechanisms triggered by pollutants via the epigenetic landscape using large-scale ChIP-Seq data Zhaonan Zou, Yuka Yoshimura, Yoshihiro Yamanishi, Shinya Oki Epigenetics & Chromatin 2023 Sep 25;16:34 Despite well-documented effects on human health, the action modes of environmental pollutants are incompletely understood. Transcriptome-based approaches...
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Dr. Watanabe’s paper has been published in Stem Cell Reports. mRNA-based generation of marmoset PGCLCs capable of differentiation into gonocyte-like cells Musashi Kubiura-Ichimaru, Christopher Penfold, Kazuaki Kojima, Constance Dollet, Haruka Yabukami, Katsunori Semi, Yasuhiro Takashima, Thorsten Boroviak, Hideya Kawaji, Knut Woltjen, Aki Minoda, Erika Sasaki, Toshiaki Watanabe Stem Cell Reports. 2023 Aug 24;S2213-6711(23)00305-3 Primate germ...
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Dr.Kawamura’s paper has been published in EMBO J. Cellular senescence induction leads to progressive cell death via the INK4a-RB pathway in naked mole-rats Yoshimi Kawamura, Kaori Oka, Takashi Semba, Mayuko Takamori, Yuki Sugiura, Riyo Yamasaki, Yusuke Suzuki, Takeshi Chujo, Mari Nagase, Yuki Oiwa, Shusuke Fujioka, Sayuri Homma, Yuki Yamamura, Shingo Miyawaki, Minoru Narita, Takaichi Fukuda,...
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Dr.Inoue’s paper has been published in Sci. Rep. Derivation of embryonic stem cells from wild-derived mouse strains by nuclear transfer using peripheral blood cells Naomi Watanabe, Michiko Hirose, Ayumi Hasegawa, Keiji Mochida, Atsuo Ogura, Kimiko Inoue Sci Rep 2023 Jul 10;13(1):11175 Wild-derived mouse strains have been extensively used in biomedical research because of the high level...
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Dr.Kato’s paper has been published on Biology of Reproduction.
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