Dr. Kitajima’s paper has been published in Science.

Discovery of chromosome size-based spatial pathway to meiotic errors in oocytes.

Live chromosome identifying and tracking reveals size-based spatial pathway of meiotic errors in oocytes

Osamu Takenouchi, Yogo Sakakibara, Tomoya S. Kitajima

Science. 2024 Jul 19;385(6706)

Smaller chromosomes are more frequently mis-segregated in aged oocytes, but the underlying processes were unknown. We developed an imaging technique to identify and track individual chromosomes in living oocytes and discovered that smaller chromosomes tend to move to the inner region of the spindle. This internal positioning facilitates the mis-segregation of small chromosomes in aged oocytes, resulting in the production of aneuploid eggs.

DOI : 10.1126/science.adn5529

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