Dr. Kitajima’s paper has been published in Science.

Construction of functional artificial kinetochore beads in cells

Artificial kinetochore beads establish a biorientation-like state in the spindle

Kohei Asai, Yuanzhuo Zhou, Osamu Takenouchi, Tomoya S Kitajima

Science. 2024 Sep 20;385(6715):1366-1375

The kinetochore is a macromolecular complex built on centromeric DNA of chromosomes. It plays an essential role in chromosome segregation by mediating the dynamic regulation of attachment to spindle microtubules. In this study, we developed functional artificial kinetochore beads in cells. Like native chromosomes, artificial kinetochore beads align at the spindle equator with stable microtubule attachment to the opposite poles. The artificial kinetochore beads will serve as a tool to develop strategies for manipulating chromosome segregation.

DOI : 10.1126/science.adn5428

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